With my current advocation towards boxing my constant interest in fitness is also growing. Boxing has faded in the mainstream sports but has always had traditional roots. There was an age of heavyweight boxers in America. It was made up of statuesque men that trained hard. Focus has shifted for a lot of people to Mixed Martial Arts. That makes for different styles and different body types. The training is still hard. No fighter ever won with out earning there physique. That’s really the salt of the whole thing.
The romance of boxing will never die. It takes passion to gain physical prowess. To be great, if your talented, it takes hard work. With that, like my grandfather I’ve found boxing is in my bones and I’ll need to apply hard work to develop into a fighter.
I plan to share my development in boxing and partner with people who are interested in training, building physical and mental strength. With a path to become a better athlete I will make a way to bring in elements of freediving in workout routines. Coffee, boxing and fishing will all be tied into my fitness route.